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Distinguish The Click Event From Mouse Vs Screenreader

I built a drag and drop component, and it works like a charm, but now I need to make it accessible for screen reader users. I already have the implementation of the solution done.

Solution 1:

The problem is when using the SR (I tested with NVDA), the keyevents are not triggered, instead it goes to the click event (Which is part of drag and drop, not meant for non-visual users)

A large part of potential screen reader users are in fact visual-users. Blind people are only a small part among them : visually impaired can still have some vision left, but also illiterate people might use a screenreader for assistance.

Screen reader will always send the default event, as specified by the W3C in SCR35: Making actions keyboard accessible by using the onclick event of anchors and buttons

While "onclick" sounds like it is tied to the mouse, the onclick event is actually mapped to the default action of a link or button. The default action occurs when the user clicks the element with a mouse, but it also occurs when the user focuses the element and hits enter or space, and when the element is triggered via the accessibility API.

You have no possibility to detect that it has been done by from a screenreader, from a keyboard, or from an eye tracking device.

Solution 2:

I've figured out a not-so-pretty solution, which involves creating a screenreader only element and handle the click on this element, if the click happens on that element, it could only be triggered by the SR.

<div><imgsrc="some-image.jpg aria-hidden="true"><divclass="card-container" (click)="cardClicked($event)"><spanaria-hidden="true">Card name</span><spanclass="sr-only" (click)="showContextMenu($event)">Card name</span> <---- It can only be clicked by the SR

Solution 3:

I would probably go for an onclick and an onmousedown.

If the onmousedown is fired, I would set a flag, that I would read in the onclick, telling me whether this was actually originally a pointer event.

Something like:

<buttononmousedown="pointerFunction()"onclick="clickFunction()">Active this</button><script>var isPointerEvent = false;
functionpointerFunction() {
    isPointerEvent = true;

    // Do something for pointer users

functionclickFunction() {
    if (isPointerEvent) {
        return isPointerEvent = false;

    // Do something for keyboard / screen-reader users

While this will distinguish between keyboard users (screen-reader users included) and mouse users, if will not distinguish between keyboard users and screen-reader users. For that, your own proposed solution does the trick. However, remember to add a role="button" to the clickable <span> if you want to convey to the screen-reader that they can click it.

I would add that to your solution as a comment, but I'm new here, and I don't have to "Reputation" to be able to do that. :-)

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