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Using Cloud Sql Proxy From Firebase Function

I'm running Google's Cloud SQL Proxy locally and it's working with locally served Firebase functions using a command like: /cloud_sql_proxy -instances=my-project-12345:us-central1:

Solution 1:

cloud proxy is only needed when trying to connect from outside of google cloud network. From functions, you can directly connect using the host, port, username, and password.

I pass in those details during deployment through functions config.

firebase functions:config:set envs.db_host=$DB_HOST_PROD envs.db_user=$DB_USER_PROD envs.db_password=$DB_PASSWORD_PROD envs.db_name=$DB_NAME_PROD envs.db_use_ssl=false --project hello-world

firebase functions:config:set envs.node_env=production --project hello-world

firebase deploy --token=$FIREBASE_TOKEN --project hello-world --only functions,hosting

Refer to on how I use this to set the environment variables. I then use the environment variables to connect the database

Solution 2:

In order to connect to a Cloud SQL instance from a Cloud Function (or Firebase function) you can use UNIX domain sockets. The documentation only shows how to do this for MySQL and PosgreSQL, not for SQL Server. It may be because it's not supported yet. However, I encourage you to give it a try.

Either way, you can also connect your Cloud Functions to a SQL Server Cloud SQL instance using a Serverles VPC Connector and the instance's private IP. Quoting the docs:

By default, Cloud Functions does not support connecting to the Cloud SQL instance using TCP. Your code should not try to access the instance using an IP address (such as or unless you have configured Serverless VPC Access.

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