Js <---> Php Communication
I need to, using JS get some values returned by a PHP script. How to achieve that?
Solution 1:
<scripttype="text/javascript">var string = <?phpecho$variable; ?>;
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
You can create a js file with PHP.
For exemple
// My script php
var js_var = '<?phpecho"toto"?>';
or use an AJAX framework and JSON
Solution 4:
What's the method you're using to communicate with PHP? If you're using AJAX you might want to checkout jQuery or a library of some sort and use JSON for communication.
Using these methods, like using getJSON, you can easily access the variables returned by the PHP-script.
Please provide some more details to your question so we can answer your question in more detail and provide some examples.
Solution 5:
You can assign php values to JavaScript like so:
var x = <?phpecho$varible ; ?>;
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