How Can I Access Branch Identity Id From Identities From
I am using to create a branch link for my users. I am able to create link successfully which also works fine. But my
Solution 1:
The Branch Identity ID is an internal Branch user identifier, associated with each user. You will not be able to use the Branch Identity ID directly to create links.
You can instead try to create Branch links using Branch Developer Identity i.e. a custom identity you can use to track/identify your users.
Here is a sample curl:
curl -XPOST \
-H"Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"branch_key":"<you app key>",
"campaign":"user identity", "channel":"test",
"identity":"YOUR_IDENTITY", //set your custom user identity here"data":"{\"var1\": \"abcd\",
\"var2\": \"defg\"
}"}' \
Once, you create a link with the identity, if there is no identity_id (Branch Identity ID) associated with the identity, we'll create a new one (otherwise tie it to an existing identity_id).
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