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Javascript For Loop Increment Behaves Strangely

I have the following JS: for ( var i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) { $(window).load(function() { alert(i); }); } When the page loads, it gives me an alert twice as expecte

Solution 1:

I assume that what you actually want to do is have the for loop inside the $(window).load function like so:

$(window).load(function() {
    for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {

This will run the for loop after the window is loaded.

Explanation for why you are getting 3 in your alerts

The reason you are getting 3 in your alerts currently is illustrated by this diagram:

|     The forloopis begun (a = 0)
|     The load eventon the window is handled by the specified function the load
|         function itself does not run
|     i is incremented (i++) now i = 1
|     The load eventon the window is handled again
|     i is incremented (i++) now i = 2
|     The load eventon the window is handled again
|     i is incremented (i++) now i = 3
|     The condition of the forloop fails so execution is discontinued
|     The window is loaded
|     Eachof the callbacks is run and at this point i = 3 so 3is alerted each
|         time

Solution 2:

You are creating a closure with captured variable i. When window.load event handlers execute, the loop has had completed and the value of this variable is 3.

for ( var i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) {
    $(window).load((function(iter) {
        returnfunction() { alert(iter); };


In your code, you are directly assigning an anonymous function to be an event handler for $(window).load. This function binds loop iterator variable i - as a variable, and, when this function executes, the value of i is what was assigned by all previously executed code, which is the completed loop - terminated when i became 3.

My code can be rewritten:

function getEventHandler(iter) {
  return function() { alert(iter); };

for ( var i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) {

getEventHandler returns a function (which becomes $(window).load event handler). That returned function binds iter parameter with the value this parameter has when getEventHandler executes - every time it executes. In the loop we call getEventHandler immediately in each loop iteration with the current (changing) values of i.

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