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Customize Ckfinder Paths Dynamically With Js, Can It Be Done?

I'm doing an administrative function to work with CKEditor v4.x and need a file/folder view, upload and selection tool. For the time being I'm using CKFinder as I'd like to avoid w

Solution 1:

In our CMS area we use CKFinder.setupCKEditor() and I was unable to pass variables or flags to the config file correctly.

So I simply went to where the 'IsAuthorized' flag is set (that allows access to use CKFinder in their CheckAuthentication() function), and I set two more session variables: 'ckfinder_baseDir' and 'ckfinder_baseUrl'.

*Note that I have a Config class that checks the enviroment, hence Config::isDev(). You can check it any way that makes sense for you.

$_SESSION['IsAuthorized'] = 1;
$_SESSION['ckfinder_baseUrl'] = Config::isDev() ? '' : '';
$_SESSION['ckfinder_baseUrl'] = Config::isDev() ? '/path/to/dev/uploads/' : 'path/to/prod/uploads';

Then I simply use these flags when in the CKFinder config.php file.

$baseUrl = $_SESSION['ckfinder_baseUrl'];
$baseDir = $_SESSION['ckfinder_baseDir'];

Solution 2:

You can specify the parameter on the frontend side in the definition of the filebrowser button as following

  type: 'button',
  label:'Button for filebrowser',
  filebrowser: {
      action: 'Browse',
      params: {
      'id': '{someID}'

Solution 3:

With help from the discussion Customize baseUrl and baseDir in CKFinder I got close to the answer with Travis comment.

There is a way to call different server side settings for each instance of CKFinder by just using a GET parameter in the path to CKFinder. I set the id of the filebrowserpath


And then in the config.php:

if ($_GET['id'] && $_GET['id'] == "testdir") {
   $baseDir = $baseDir . 'testdir/';
   $baseUrl = $baseUrl . 'testdir/';

This way each instance of CKeditor can use different basePath and baseUrl settings, and also other specific config.

Solution 4:

in config.ascx in setConfig() method

string userName = string.Empty;
    if (HttpContext.Current != null)
        userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
    elsethrownewException("User Name is not provided");
    BaseUrl = "~/Uploads/Users/" + userName + "/";

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