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Add Current Page Url Before Anchor Link Using Jquery

I am stuck utilizing a platform (Nationbuilder) that automatically adds the base tag in the header. It didn't until recently and now the dozens of pages with anchor links end up se

Solution 1:

You can use the CSS attribute starts with selector:

Instead of selecting "a", select 'a[href^="#"]' meaning "a tags with an href attribute starting with #.

So something like:

    el.href = "" + el.hash;


Solution 2:

One addition to what Benjamin said, you'll need to capture the current href for each of the anchors, which means you need a loop. So

$('a[href^="#"]').each(function(index, element){
    var$ele = $(element),
        oldHref = $ele.attr('href');
    $ele.attr('href', '//'+ oldHref);

Solution 3:

Something like this?

$('a').attr('href', window.location.pathname + this.attr('href'))

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