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How To Push 2 Items To An Array

In this fiddle line 27 shows var doctors = [ new Doctor('Doc A','A1'), new Doctor('Doc B','A1'), new Doctor('Doc C','A3') ]; Here, Doc A, Doc B and Doc C are hard-c

Solution 1:

May be something like this?

var doctors = [];

type: "GET", 
url: projectUrl+"getDoctors",  
jsonp: true,
async:false ,
success: function (data) {
    $.each(data.doctors, function(index, currPat) {

Your end result should be like this:

doctors = [[id1,name1],[id2,name2], ...... [id10,name10]]

Or you can also use the format like this:


Then your end result should be something like this:

doctors = [{id:id1,name:name1},{id:id2,name:name2},......,{id:id10,name:name10}]

*I personally prefer format 2

EDIT Use of JQuery, .map()

var doctors;

type: "GET", 
url: projectUrl+"getDoctors",  
jsonp: true,
async:false ,
success: function (data) {
    doctors = $.map(function () {
    return [,data.username];}).get();    

A slightly more short hand than the above mention.

Solution 2:

It looks like can do what you need...

success: function (data) {
    doctors = $.map(data.doctors, function(doctor) {
        newDoctor(, doctor.username);


Solution 3:

consider your Doctor function looks like:

// Doctor constructor with name and username propertiesvarDoctor = function(nameParam, usernameParam){ = nameParam;
    this.username = usernameParam;

then on AJAX success function populate all received doctors like:

$.each(jsonStr.doctors, function(index, currPat) {
     var doc = newDoctor(,currPat.username);

working fiddle

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