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.zip File Downloading As .php

I have a .zip file which is generated on the server using php. The file generated is valid and I checked it by downloading it via ftp etc. I need to create a way for a user to down

Solution 1:

your code looks proper. However you need to ensure the preceding and succeeding spaces for your code. while adding headers in your code, the space will disrupt and will not load the zip file. Check once again and remove the spaces on top and bottom of page.

And a line which says readfile($this->dirPath."/".$archive_file_name); can be removed from code

Solution 2:

try this header available you to download with resume i suggest use database or log file for understand the file downloaded or not because this header available downloader to download part-part

get Request range from downloader you can use fseek to read range of file

$Range=@$_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'];//Range: bytes=843530240-$Cach="";
  $Cach=(int)trim($Range[1]," -");      

caching controller

function caching_include($file) {
     $headers = $_SERVER;
     // Get the modification timestamp
     if(!(list(,,,,,,,,,$lastModified) = @stat($file))){
           echo Error;
     // Build our entity tag
     $eTag = "ci-".dechex(crc32($file.$lastModified));
     if (false and (strpos(@$headers['If-None-Match'], "$eTag")) &&(gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", $lastModified) == @$headers['If-Modified-Since'])) {
        // They already have an up to date copy so tell them
        header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
        header('Cache-Control: private');
        header("Pragma: ");
        header('Expires: ');
        header('Content-Type: ');
        header('ETag: "'.$eTag.'"');
     } else {
       // We have to send them the whole page
        header('Cache-Control: private');
        header('Pragma: ');
        header('Expires: ');
        header('Last-Modified: '.gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z",$lastModified));
        header('ETag: "'.$eTag.'"');

header for download

header("Server: SepidarSoft/ir-system");//server name header("Date: ".date("a,d b Y H:M:S GMT",time()));
header("X-Powered-By: SepidarSoft");
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-disposition:filename=\"".$BaseName."\"");//file namecaching_include($FPatch);//caching controller header("Accept-Ranges:bytes");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"); 
header("Connection: Keep-Alive");
header("Content-Type: $Type");//file type like application/zipheader("Content-Length: ".($FSize-$Cach)); //length of download it is for resume  header("Content-Range: bytes ".$Cach."-".($FSize-1)."/".$FSize); //download range it is for resumeheader("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content",true);

if use set_time_limit(0); in code if user connection become disconnect php continue until finish work for that your file will be remove you download or not after one request you can use connection_status()==0 for check connection like below

fseek($Handle,$From);//if use resume it is useful while(!@feof($Handle) and (connection_status()==0)){
 if(connection_status()==0){//with this condition you can understand download is down by user 

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