Jquery Accordion - Open Specific Section On Pageload
Solution 1:
$("#accordion").accordion({ active: 2, event: "mouseover" });
Should do the trick!
if that doesn't work, try
$("#accordion").accordion({ event: "mouseover" }).activate(2);
(N.B. this is updated to be a bit faster, thanks for the comments. To be honest, it should work with the 'active: 2' parameter, don't know why it didn't.)
Solution 2:
proper way to open a specific tab:
$("#accordion").accordion({collapsible :true,active :false,heightStyle :"content",navigation :true});
Set the option:
//$("#accordion").accordion('option', 'active' , "INSERT YOUR TAB INDEX HERE");$("#accordion").accordion('option', 'active' , 1);
or you could work with a hash like this:
var tabIndex = parseInt(window.location.hash.substring(1));
$("#accordion").accordion('option', 'active' , tabIndex);
Vote if you use ;)
Solution 3:
Does the following work?
$(function() {
event: "mouseover",
collapsible: true,
active: 2
Solution 4:
Solution 5:
I have resolved this question a little different since I had to create a menu.php which we include I have included every single page. In our project there was 1 accordion (a menu element with 2 submenus). So when the visitor is on the submenus, the accordion is open and the selected link (which are highlighted using CSS, not jQuery) active. But when the visitor is on a different page, the accordion works normally.
Here's the javascript:
var containsParams = /teacher|student/i.test(window.location.href), //regexp with string params
accordion = $("li.accordion"); // the accordion as a global
accordion.accordion({ //accordion setup on every page
animated : !containsParams,
active : containsParams,
collapsible : true,
event : "click",
header : "h2"
//I like to use "self calling methods" since many times I need a main onload event and this way it's clear for every page and my main function still remains
(function () {
if (containsParams) accordion.accordion("activate", 0);
Hope you like it. =]
Best regards! =]
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